Publications SIBE (16-20)

Eureka! Pan-Asian MBA Journey started

2023-11-17 13:14
I can’t believe our first Pan-Asian MBA module started on 18th of October 2023 and the week was over in the blink of an eye. The first module was Big Data and Business Analytics which is a tough subject and important for business today. Peter Sondergaard rightly mentioned that “Information is the oil of the 21st century, and analytics is the combustion engine.”
Jiang Siyuan, Secretary General of the Exchange and Cooperation Center of the Legal Services Commission for the Shanghai University of Politics and Law welcomed our students. Nikita Ponomarenko, Trade Representative of Russia in Malaysia presented a session on business opportunities in Malaysia
We all started with a short introduction of students and called it Dean’s hour where Dr. Margarita Perepelitsa asked very interesting questions about their career aspirations. It was followed by a management game and I was blown away by the caliber of students to debate between the ideas of ethics and business. They were all brought together by their desire to further their business knowledge, and be successful in a prestigious program.
Our alumni came to wish the MBA freshers good luck in their journey and shared with them the study patterns. They all mentioned how important networking, discipline and deadlines are. The level of thought, strategy, and competitiveness that they experienced was on par with the top-notch education that was advertised as they applied to the program. In the late evening the guru, Moscow orientalist from Shaolin-Prof. Alexey Maslov’s lecture on China as a challenge and opportunity for Russia took us to another world of business reality.
Data is becoming one of the most important business capital, and a company without a data strategy is unlikely to get the top hold in the market. Big Data started with Dr. Maxim Galimov. My logical thinking tells me that this pearl of wisdom comes from one of the most famous fictional detectives in history, and emphasizes the importance of using data to drive smart decisions. Guess whom I am talking about – of course Sherlock Holmes who said, “It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data.” Basically, Mr. Holmes is saying that ideas or theories without data are just assumptions, with no factual reality to back them up. This is especially important in a business setting. Students were regularly contributing in class, and enhancing their classroom experience and were assigned to work on group projects. Being able to think through real-world problems and solve strategic business cases together brings the group closer, and they forge friendships that will last throughout the MBA program.
During our module we had wonderful master classes from the industry specialists on Cyber security and Cyber risk, business negotiation with Chinese partners in the construction industry and machine tool industry, AI is a disruptive technology that changes the way of doing business, Application of Big Data in industry: Real cases, AI in business applied cases. The speakers were Sber Bank, Factory5, HPC Park, Remind Insurance, Solar JSOC and Shenzhen Primer Ltd.
Last day of the module was dedicated to career and leadership journey. Our business school believes that soft skills can help the students to build relationships and solve problems so that they can make positive contributions to any organization. Development of soft skills can lead to a more engaged, productive, and satisfied workforce. Developing and improving soft skills is important because they can help employees perform their tasks successfully and further their professional development.
I am relieved that the first module is over, and the students felt the business school experience has influenced their life for the better, and they are looking forward to future classes and future modules.
Snowy December murmurs of meeting again with all energy and festive mood…..Stay tuned !

Dr. Mitali Mittra

Director, Pan Asian MBA